Katia Bassanini / Maurizio Bolognini / Corrado Bonomi / Ivana Falconi / Alex Hanimann / L-B / Silvano Repetto / Vanessa & Sibilla / Andro Wekua
24 August – 13 October 2002
On Saturday August 24, 2002 at 5-30 pm opened at the Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino in Bellinzona the exhibition entitled COLLECTED. The works of the artists in the show tend – in spite of their different technique and style – to develop a specific language.
Nowadays the production is very much influenced by the market, that serialises somehow art as glamour or under the name of international style.
Each author tries to identify his own “writing images” using many media and above all considering his chronological, historical and educational skills. Katia Bassanini’s small sketches reflect her roots in the field of action, performance and installations in progress, putting in evidence the paradoxes out of her main theme: the power relation in the context of sex, politics and sport. The same way Maurizio Bolognini and Vanessa & Sibilla feature images produced or influenced by graphic design or the use of computer; the impossibility – in relation to electronic communication and video – to control the artistic products.
Both emotional and playful at the same time Corrado Bonomi and Ivana Falconi exploit the world of kitsch referring in particular to comics and publicity images.
By showing an early work made by 23 pink sugar bags, Sylvie Fleury features already her main tendency of ready-made related to the world of fashion. Different but similar in this case, Alex Hanimann and L/B think about using words to create images and images to illustrate narration. L/B selected two Italian words (DECISIONE and FRONTIERA) to recompose an image made by a game with them, as well as Hanimann tells a literal story through a series of 11 selected drawings.
The public can see again a work by the video artist Silvano Repetto already presented at the Kunsthaus Zürich in 1997: a sort of electronic Om song realised with few but intense film elements.
The youngest artist of the group is Andro Wekua (1977). The roots of his drawing installation could be comics with some references to graffiti. Somehow sad and trash for his use of the space and specific materials, the artist from Georgia (Russia) fights against the establishment of established art.
The show will end in October the 13th and is open to the public Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 2 pm until 6 pm.
CACT Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino
Via Tamaro 3, Bellinzona.
Opening hours
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
2 p.m. – 6 p.m.