Ut Cosmo Concordent Voces Live Set
Femina Faber
Saturday 28 July 2012 at 6 p.m.
FEMINA FABER – a project by PAOLA BIANCHI – will perform in a live concerto entitled UT COSMO CONCORDENT VOCES, featuring FAUSTO BALBO, who is offering the audience the chance to listen to otoacoustic stimuli generated by DPOAE, and Pier Giorgio De Pinto, who will be drawing live visuals projected onto the wall during the evening. The concert will end with the publication of the new album AMPLEXUM MENTIS: UT COSMO CONCORDENT VOCES by Calembour Records/Audioglobe.
Ph. Pier Giorgio De Pinto © PRO LITTERIS Zürich.
Museo e Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Ticino
Via Tamaro 3, Bellinzona.
Opening hours
Saturday 28 July 2012
6 p.m.